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The purpose of this page is document the subject of torture. Specifically, the use of torture in the United States or by agents of the United States government and military.

Smiling female Israeli soldier in the foreground with thee bound and blindfolded prisoners sitting on stone blocks in the background.

She does seem to take pleasure in her situation.

A barefoot and hooded prisoner at Abu Ghraib standing on a box with wires attached to the fingers on both hands with an US Military man in the foreground.

Just another day at the office, electrocuting prisoners.


2"Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment:" (KJV)

Translation Difference

2"Do not follow a crowd to do evil, nor bear witness in a strife so as to turn aside after many, to turn aside what is right."

1'And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.'(KJV)

Stained American flag with the iconic image of a hooded Abu Ghraib prisoner being tortured with his arms out on top of the flag and used as the stars on the flag.