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I used a play on words to create this page which is my own encyclopedia/dictionary of Hebrew words.


Abaddon, - Destruction

abba - Father

ach - brother

acharit - last

Acharonim - last ones

Achavah B'Moshiach - Brotherhood in Moshiach

achayot - sisters

achdus - unity

achei sheker - false brothers

acheinu - our brother

achi - brother

achim - brothers

achot - sister

achoteinu - our sister

achraius - accountability

achyon - nephew

ad kdeikach - so much

ad kahn - sufficient for the purpose, enough

ad mosai - how much longer

Adam - one man / humanity /Adam

Adam HeChadash - the new humanity

Adam Chadash Echad - One New Humanity

adamah tova - good ground

adamah - ground

Adamah - Mud

Adar - Sixth month of Hebrew civil calendar: February-March.

Adat HaEl Chai - the Community of the Living G-d

Adat Hashem - Congregation of G-d

Aderaba - to the contrary

admat kodesh - holy ground

Adon HaKatzir - the L-rd of the Harvest

Adonai echad - "G-d is one"--DEVARIM 6:4

Adoneynu - our l-rd/L-rd

adonim - masters

Adonoi Tzivos - L-rd of armies

agalim - bulls

Agam HaEish - Lake of Fire

agape - love

Aggadah al. Agada, Agadah pl. Agadot - stories, parables.

aggadot - stories, philosophical material

agmat nefesh - grief

agudah - bound together, union

Agunah - A woman whose husband had disappeared, and who could not remarry without witnesses to his death....bound woman.

ahavah - love, agape

ahavah shel achvah - brotherly love

ahavas hakesef - love of money

ahavas Hashem - G-d's love

Ahavas HaEmes - Love of the Truth

ahavat ta'anugot - hedonism

ahuv - being beloved

ahuvi - my beloved

ahvot - fathers

aino maczh'zik tova li'atzmo - not claiming credit for oneself

airusin - betrothal, engagement

Aish - fire

Aish HaTorah - "Fire of the Torah"

aizen - well-founded, incontrovertible

akama - quite a number

akedah - binding

akrabim - scorpions

akrav - scorpion

al-killayon - incorruptibility

Al Chet - Literally: for the sin

al kol panim - nevertheless

al menat - in order that

Al Mikrah Megillah - the blessing before the reading of the Megillah.

Al Netilat Yadayim - the blessing over the washing of hands before the meal.

al pnei hamayim - on the surface of the waters

al taarotz - do not be afraid

Alenu Leshabe'ach - a prayer of thanksgiving for being separated from the heathens.

aliyah - ascent

aliyah leregel - pilgrimage

almanah - widow

almanot - widows

almot - virgins

als - since

alter - old

am - people

Am haaretz - peasantry

amal - toil

Ami - My People

Amidah - standing prayer

ammud - pillar

Ammudei HaKehillah - Pillars of the Kehillah

amol - formerly

amolike times - olden times

ana'fim - the branches

anan - cloud

Anan Edim - Cloud of Witnesses

ananim - clouds

anashim ne'emanim - faithful men

anashim - men

anav - humble

anavah - meekness, humility

anavat ruach - a spirit of meekness

Anenu - a passage added to prayer on public fast days.

Ani Ma'amin - Literally: I believe

Ani Ma'amin hoda'ah - confession

aniyim - poor

anochiyut - selfishness

Anshei K'neset Hagdolah - Sages of the Great Synod during the first part of the Second Sanctuary Period.

anshuldiks - pardon

Apikoros - skeptic, unbeliever

Apikorosim - Unbelievers

Apocalyptic - Ideas and teachings pertaining to the revelation apocalypse of the last days and the end of the world.

arain getun - engrossed

Aravah pl. Aravot - willow branch taken as one of the four species on the Feast of Tabernacles.

arayot - lions

arba'ah - four

Arbah Chayyot - Four living beings

arba'im - forty

Arba'ah Minim al. the Four Species - Palm, myrtle, willow and citron; another name for the lulav and etrog together, used on Sukkot.

arbaa asar - fourteen

arbaat elafim - four thousand

arbah pinot ha'aretz - the four corners of the earth

arbaim yom varbaim lailah - forty days and forty nights

arbe, arbeh - locusts

arelim - uncircumcised ones

Aron Hakodesh - Literally: the Holy Ark

aron met - coffin

aron otzaram - chest of treasury

arye - lion

asach - a lot of

asam - barn

asarah - ten

Aseret Yemei Teshuvah - the ten days of penitence.

asham - guilty; guilt - Asham - A guilt offering made by one who has sinned against his fellow man.

ashem - guilty; to be guilty

ashir - oisher, rich man

ashirim - rich ones

ashirut - riches

ashma, ashmah - guilt, a thing of guilt/condemnation

ashrey, ashrei - happy, blessed - Ashrey - Psalm 145 recited thrice daily.

asim - barns, granaries

asir - prisoner

asur - prohibited, impermissible

Atah Chonantanu - a passage added to the evening prayer after the Sabbath to note the difference between the Sacred and the non-Sacred.

atarah atarot - crown[s]

Ateret HaKavod - Crown of Glory

AteretHaChayyim - Crown of Life

Athid Lavo - The coming age.

atzamot - bones

Atzav - idol, image

Atzeret - Conclusion

atzilah - noble birth

atzlanit - sluggards

atzlut - lazy idleness

Av - Eleventh month of Jewish year.

Av Beit Din al. Bayt, Bet - Father of the court--judicial president in Talmudic era, and later.

Av Harachamim - a prayer for the persecuted communities.

Av HaRoeh b'seter - Father Who Sees in secret

av sela - bed rock

Avaddon - destruction, hell, Abbadon

avadim - servants, slaves

avanim - stones

avdut - slavery, bondage

avel - iniquity/gross injustice

avelim - mourners

avelut - mourning - Avelut - third period of mourning; the first year after death.

averah - transgression

averos - sins

Avi-khol - Father of all

Avinu - our Father

Avinu Malkenu - Literally: our Father, our King; a prayer of supplication recited on Yom Kippur...a prayer said on the Days of Penitence and fast days.

avla, avlah - injustice

Avodah al. Abodah - Service--specifically, the sacrificial Temple service as performed by high priest; today, referring to Yom Kippur observance and other synagogue rituals.

avodah zarah - idol worship -

avodas - work

avodas kodesh - worship, service

avodot hakodesh - ministries

avon - sin offense

Avot - the Patriarchs, Fathers

Avoteinu - our Fathers

ayin - eye

ayin horo - evil eye

ayir - young donkey

aza - certain

Azarah pl. Azarot - the Temple Courtyard.

Azharot - a passage on the commandments in the Torah read on Shavuot.

azivah - abandonment


B'avon - in sin

b'derech hatevah - naturally

b'nei - sons

b'seder - in order

b'seter - in secret

b'shem hazeh - in this name

b'yirah - with fear

ba'al - husband, master

ba'al gaavah - haughty, proud person

ba'alim - husbands

ba'al melitzot - rhetorician, fine talker

ba'al tzavva'a - testator, person who makes the will

Baal HaKerem - Owner of the Vineyard

Baal Bayit - master of the house

baalei hamum - the maimed

Bachor - Male Firstborn

Badeken - Traditional formal veiling of the bride by the groom before the wedding ceremony.

baderech - on the road

bahlt - soon

bailus - sovereignty, ownership, dominion

bais - house

baitel - wallet

bakkashot - petitions

bakosha - petition, request

balailah hazeh - during this night

baleidikung - insult

Bamah pl. Bamot - an improvised altar, outside the Sanctuary.

bamidbar - in the wilderness, in the desert

banim - children

bannai chacham - wise builder

Bar / Bat al. Bas Mitzvah - Literally: son / daughter of the commandment

Bar Kokhba al. Kochba - Leader of a Jewish revolt 132-135 against Hadrian.

Bar Mitzvah - i.e. has reached his majority, his legal age

barad - hail

barah - created

Barchu - call upon the congregation to bless G-d.

Barech - grace...the part of the Seder when the grace after the meal is recited.

barei lev - pure in heart

bari vshalem - safe and sound

bariim - healthy ones

baruch - blessed is

Baruch Dayan Ha'emet - a blessing of acceptance of G-d's judgments.

Baruch Habah - welcome

Baruch Hu Uvaruch Shemo - a phrase of blessing of G-d's Name upon hearing it uttered.

basar echad - one flesh

basar - body, flesh, fallen human nature

basherte - his destined mate

baShomayim - heavenly bodies

bat kol - a voice from heaven - Bat Kol - an "echo" of a Divine Voice.

bat - daughter

batim - households

batlanim - unemployed or lazy loafers, idlers

Bavel - Babylon, Or Confusion

bavorn - anticipates

bavust - famous

Bayit - House

bazunder - unrelated and separate

be'einei Hashem - in the eyes of G-d

be'ichud - united

be'ikvot - in the footsteps

BE'ITO - "in its season" TEHILLIM 1:3

bechi - weeping

bechirah - divine election, selection, choosing

Bechirim - Chosen Ones

Bechor - Firstborn

bechorah - inheritance

bedavka - deliberately

bederech klal - usually

bedieved - begrudgingly

bedievedike - expedient

bedikah - examination

Bedikat Chametz - Search for leaven before Passover...casting out the leaven.

beemes - in truth

beerech - approximately, dacht zich

beetzem - intrinsically

befeirush - explicitly

begadim - clothes

Beha'alotcha - a portion in the Book of Numbers.

behechrach - necessarily

Bein Hametzarim - the period between the Seventeenth of Tammuz and the Ninth of Av, "Between the Fences".

Beinoni pl. Beinonim - of median piety.

Beit House

beit kevarot - cemetery

Beit Din al. Bayt, Bet - "House of Judgment [Law]" Jewish court employing religious and Talmudic law...Rabbinical court.

Beit HaMikdash - the Holy Temple - House of Sanctity - The sanctuary or Temple in Jerusalem.

Beit haShoevah al. Bayt, Bet - The House of the Waterpouring.

beit hasohar - prison

Beit Midrash al. Bayt, Bet pl. Batey Midrashot - Houses of Study.

bekavod - suitable

bekeshe - kaftan

bekitzur - briefly, concisely

bekvius - regularly

beleidikt - offended

ben - son

ben chorin - freeman

ben yachid - only son

ben Adam - human being

ben-adam - Son Of Man Pronounced, “Ben ad-ahm”

ben hanaggar - the carpenter's son

Ben HaAdam - Moshiach, Daniel 7:13-14

ben chayil - son of worthiness

Ben Torah - scholar

beni - my son

beni haahuv - beloved son

benoigeia - regarding

bentsh - custom of saying grace after meals

Berachah al. Brachah pl. Berachot al. pl. Brachot, Birchot - a blessing, benediction.

Berachot Hashachar al. Birchot, Brachot - the blessings of awakening recited each morning.

bereshis - in the beginning

Beriah - Creation

berishonah - in the first place

berit - covenant

Berit, B'ris - Literally: covenant; refers to the covenant between G-d and Abraham and his descendants.

Berit Milah - often referred to simply as b'ris.

beritot - covenants

beriyah - creature

beseder - in order

besere - better

Beshalach - a portion in the Book of Exodus.

beshita - as a matter of conviction or principle

beshum oifen - absolutely

besod - in secret

Besuroh Tovoh - Good Tidings of a Joyous Event

Besuras HaGeulah - the Good News of Redemption

Bet HaKnesset - House of Assembly, shul, synagogue, shtibel

Bet Din - Court of Law

betach - a place of refuge

betulim - virginity

betulot - virgins

Betzah - roasted egg, a symbol for the second sacrifice of Passover.

betzi'at halechem - breaking of bread, meal

Beyn - bane

beytzah - egg

Bi'ur Ma'asrot - the disposal of tithes.

Bias HaMoshiach - Coming of Moshiach, Parousia

bibrit hanissuim - in covenant of marriage

bichlal - entirely

bifraht - particularly

Bikkur - examining or investigating.

bikkur cholim - visiting the sick

bikkurim - first-fruits - Bikkurim al. Bikurim - the Offering of the First Fruit.

bikoret beshbonot - audit

Bimah - The raised platform in the synagogue from which the Torah is read and from which worship services are usually conducted

bimesibba - reclining at tish

binah - understanding

binnuy - construction

binyan - building

biradah - trembling

Birkat Hachodesh - the blessing of the New Moon.

Birkat haMazon - Benediction over food; grace after meals.

Birkat HaMinim - 90 CE decree.

bishmi - in my name

bitachon - confident trust

Biti - my daughter

Bitul Torah - the neglect of the study of the Torah.

bizyoinos - humiliation

blailah - at night

bnei basar - carnally-minded believers

Bnei Chorin - Sons of Freedom, Freedmen

Bnei HaChuppah - wedding invitees

Bnei HaKhofshiyah - Sons of Lady Freedom, the Free Woman

Bo - a portion in the Book of Exodus.

Bo'u u're'u - Come and see

bocher, bochur - bachelor, young man

Boethuseans - A religious party of the first century composed of wealthy and influential members of the priesthood

boged - traitor, betrayer

bogedim - betrayers

Boh - Come

boker - morning

Boneh - Builder

Boneh Yerushalayim - the blessing over the rebuilding of Jerusalem.

Bore Nefashot - a short blessing after the eating of food that does not require Birkat Hamazon.

Bore Peri Ha'etz - the blessing over fruit of the tree.

borur - obvious

bracha - blessing

bren - fervor, hitlahavut

Bri'at HaOlam - the creation of the world

bria chadasha - a new being

Briah - Creation

bris milah - circumcision

Brit - Covenant

brit milah - Covenant of Circumcision

brit olam - Covenant of the world.

bubbemeises - old wives tales

bukki - expert, meivin

bushah - shame

buttel - cancelled out

BYIRAH - with fear

byom - at day


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Ceruvim - the Cherubim in the Sanctuary.

chachah - reproof

chacham - wise man

chachamim - wise ones

chadash - new wine

chadashot - new things

chafetz - good pleasure

Chag - Festival

Chag Habikkurim al. Habikurim - Literally: Festival of the First Fruits; another name for Shavuot.

Chag Haggeulah - festival of redemption.

Chag Sameach - Literally: a joyous holiday; greeting used on the festivals.

Chai - Literally: life. When Jews drink, they wish each other Lechayim to life.

chai - alive

Chag Singular, or Chagim Plural - Festival; Feast Or Feasts Of Rejoicing; Indicates One, Or More Of The Three Ascension Feasts: Unleavened Bread, Weeks And Tabernacles

chai - alive

chaiyal - soldier

chaiyalim - soldiers

chal - placed under obligation

chalav - milk

chalil - flute

Chalitzah - This Biblical ceremony, to absolve a man of marrying his childless brother's widow, means "removal."

Challah al. Chalah pl. chalot - Egg bread eaten on Shabbat and festivals

chalutzim - pioneers

chamdanut - covetousness greed

chamesh - five

chamesh elafim - five thousand

chametz - leavened bread

chamor - donkey

chamot - shviger, mother-in-law

chaninah - mercy

Chanukat Habayit - Literally: dedication of the home; the ceremony affixing the mezuzah.

Chanukiah - Eight-branched candelabrum, with a place for a ninth candle shamash that light the others, especially designed for Hanukah.

chap - grasp mentally, grab

charedi - orthodox

charon af Hashem - burning wrath or anger of G-d

Charoset - A mixture of fruits, nuts, and wine; one of the symbolic Passover foods.

Chas v'shalom - G-d forbid!

chashadot merusha'im - evil suspicions

chashivut - importance, prominence

Chasidim - Ultra-Orthodox followers of the eighteenth-century leader, Rabbi Israel, the Ba'al Shem Tov.

chassidus - piety

chassuna - wedding

Chatan - Bridegroom.

Chatan Bereshit - Literally: bridegroom of Genesis; the man called to recite or chant the blessings over the first section of the Torah on Simchat Torah.

Chatan Torah - Literally: bridegroom of the torah; the man called to recite or chant the blessings over the final section of the Torah on Simchat Torah.

Chatat al. Hataat - Sin offering in Temple...A sin offering made by one who has sinned against G-d.

chatetz - good pleasure of his will

chatoteinu - our sins

chatsot halailah, chatzot halailah - midnight

chattaim - sins

chattat - sin offering, sin-atoning sacrifice, 2C 5:21

chattoteynu - our sins

chaver leneshek - comrade-in-arms

chavrusashaft - association

chavurah - company, fellowship, society, those who partake of the Paschal lamb together

Chayim Life, Or Lives

chayyah - living

Chayyah - Beast, Anti-Moshiach

chayyei menuchah - life of rest

Chayyeinu - our Life

Chayyim - life

chayyot - beasts

chazakim - strong ones

Chazan Hakkeneset al. Hazzan - synagogue employee.

Chazan al. Hazzan - the cantor, the leader in prayer.

Chazarat Hashatz - repetition of the amidah prayer by the cantor aloud after it was recited by the congregants.

chazir, chazirim - swine

chazon - vision, revelation, prophecy

chazora - review

cheder - room; Cheder - Old-fashioned term for Hebrew school....Chamber.

chedvah - rejoicing

chefetz - desire

chelek - allotted portion

Chen VChesed - favor and mercy /lovingkindness

chepping - annoying

cherem - ban of destruction

Cherem - ban

cheresh-illem - deaf and mute

chereshim - deaf people

cherev - sword

cherut - freedom

chesed - Kindness, Or Goodness; free, unmerited favor or grace

cheshbon - plan, account, bill

Cheshvan Bul - Second month of Jewish year.

chet - sin; Chet - Literally: missing the mark; one of the Hebrew terms translated as sin.

chevlei leydah - pangs of childbirth

Chevlei Moshiach - birthpangs of Moshiach

Chevrah Kadisha - Group of people entrusted with the mitzvah of preparing a body for burial.

chikiah - wait

Chillul Hashem gidduf - desecration of the Name blasphemy

chiloni - secular

chiyuv - duty

chizzuk - strengthening

chochmah - wisdom

chodashim - moons

chodesh - month

chok - decree / law

Chokmah - wisdom

Chol - non-sacred.

choleh - sick one

Chol Hamoed - Ordinary part of the festival--days in the middle of Pesach or Sukkot when work is allowed...weekdays of the Festival.

cholim - sick persons

cholom - dream

chomed - covetous

chomer haDin - rigor of theLaw

choref - winter

chori af - burning wrath

chori afhaba - the wrath to come

Chorim - freedmen

choshech - darkness

Chosson - Bridegroom

chotam - seal

chote'im - sinners

chotsh - at least

chovah musarit - moral duty

chozek - encouragement strength

Chukat - a portion in the Book of Numbers.

Chukim : "Decrees."

Chumash pl. Chumashim - one of the Five Books of the Torah.

chumra - legalism

Chuppah al. Chupah, Huppah - Canopy under which pair stand at wedding ceremony

churban - destruction

chutzpah - nerve

Cochav - Star


da'as - knowledge

Da'ath - knowledge:--cunning

dag, dagim - fish

dahm - blood; Pronounced Dah-hm

daiyagim - fishermen

Darash - to tread or frequent; usually to follow

darom - south

darshan - preacher

darshanim - preachers

dati - religious

daven - pray ; The Yiddish word meaning "pray."

daverah - disobedience to the commandment

davka - approximately

Dayan - Judge of a Rabbinical Court

dayanim - religious judges

Dayenu - Literally: It would have been enough for us

deagot - worries, anxieties

dehainu - being

delatot - doors

delet - door

demut - image, icon

demut - likeness

derashot - sermons

derech - guide

derech - way

Derech - Way

Derech - Way, Or Road, Or Path

derech eretz - proper manners

Derech Hashem - Way of the L-rd

derech eretz - the way of the land

dermohn - made mention

deror - "freedom" VAYIKRA 25:10

Devar Torah - Literally: a word of Torah

devash - wild honey

deveykus - attachment to G-d


Dibre HaYamin - the events of the days.

dibur - saying, utterance

dimyon - analogy

din - judgment; Din pl. Dinim - Halachah law.

dira - abode

divrei hanevu'ah - words of prophecy

doiche - rejecting or setting aside

dor - generation

dorot - generations

dov - bear

drasha, drashah - sermon

drakhim - ways

Drishat Shalom - Kind Regards, Greetings

Duchan - the stand in front of the ark in the synagogue from which the kohanim bless the congregation.

dvar - word

dvar hora'ah - word of teaching

dvar malchut - decree

dvarashmah - a thing of guilt / condemnation

dvarim - words

dvar nevuah - word of prophecy


ed - mist

edei re'iyah - eyewitnesses

eder - flock

Eder Katan - Little Flock

edim - witnesses

edut - testimony

edut sheker - false testimony of false witnesses

eduyot - testimonies

efsher - perhaps

egel - calf

Eglah Arufah - "the heifer-of-the-broken-neck" prescribed in case of an unsolved murder.

ehrliche Yid - a truly pious Jew

eidel - gentle, courteous

eidus - witness of testimony, commendation

eigene - personal

Ein Kelohenu - "There is no simile of our L-rd..." a passage recited after the morning prayer.

ein ketz - without end

eisek - business

eish - fire

Eish Gehinnom - Fire of Hell

eish ketanah - small fire

Eish Olam - Eternal Fire

eishes chayil - virtuous woman

eivot - enmities

El Erech Apaim - a prayer mentioning the thirteen Divine Attributes.

El Malei Rachamim - Literally: G-d, full of compassion; memorial prayer.

elef shanim - a thousand years

elil - idol

elilim - idols

Elohim - Title For YHWH

Elokai Netzor - a passage of personal requests recited upon the conclusions of the silent prayer.

Elul - Twelfth month of Jewish year....prior to R-H.

Em - Mother

emes - truth

Emes Hashem - the Truth of G-d

emesdik - genuinely

Emet - True, or Truth, or Truthful

Emor - a portion in the Book of Leviticus.

emunah - faith; Faith, Or Trust, Or "The Faith"

Enosh - man

Episkopos - a superintendent, bishop, overseer.

Episunagoge - a complete collection

Eppis - for some reason

eravon - pledge

Ereb - dusk

eres - poison, venom

Eretz Yisrael - Land of Israel

Eretz Mitzrayim - Land of Egypt

eretz zarah - a strange land

erev - evening

erlichkeit - sincerety

Ershtins - first of all

erusin - betrothal, engagement

Eruv - an act of legal "mixing", the means of "mixing".

Eruv Chatzerot - an act of legal "mixing" to enable transferring from one "private domain" to another on Sabbath.

Eruv Tavshilin - an act of "mixing" the cooked food prepared for a festival and the Sabbath next to it in order to enable cooking and baking on the festival for the Sabbath.

eser - ten

Etmol - yesterday

etrog - The etrog is a medium-sized citrus fruit, with a color, scent and taste similar to a lemon.

etz - tree

Etz HaChayyim - the Tree of Life

etza - advice, wisdom

etzem - actual

etzim - trees

etz teenah - fig tree

Eusebes - well-reverent

evar katon - small member

evarim - members, limbs

eved - house slave, servant

even - stone

Even Shetiyah - the Foundation Stone in the Sanctuary.

ever - limb, member

evus - animal feeding trough

eynayeem - eyes

Eyvah - Enmity

ezer - help

ezrah - aid

Ezrat Nashim - the outer Courtyard in the Sanctuary


farbissener mean

farbrengen inspirational gathering where the Rebbe's shirayim or leftovers are of great interest

fargolgung - persecution

farnumen - preoccupied

farnumen - set aside

farshteit zich - of course

fehlt - the lacking

fergin - graciously grant

feste - excellent

fier zich - comport oneself

Fleishig - Foods derived from meat or meat products.

foroisgeier - forerunner

Fort - nevertheless

frai - irreligious

frum - Yiddish: observant Jew


ga'avah - conceit, haughtiness, arrogance, pride

ga'avtanim - proud boasters

Gaayonim - the Haughty ones

Gabai pl. Gaba'im - the leader of the Synagogue.

gadlus - with remarkable superiority

gadol - great

Gahn - Garden

Gan Eden - The Garden of Eden...paradise.

ganav - thief

ganav balailah - thief in the night

ganavim - thieves

gantz - exceedingly

gantze nachon - entirely correct

Gaon pl. Ge'onim - Excellency

gargeer hakhitah - grain of wheat

gartel - belt

geder - classification

gedolah - great

Gedolim - Great Ones, Leaders

gedulah - greatness

gefeirlich - horribly

Gehinnom al. Gehinom - Literally: Valley of Hinnom; a temporary place of punishment in the afterlife...Hell.

Gelili - inhabitant of the Galil

gelt - money - Yiddish term for money; traditionally given as a Hanukah gift and used for the dreidel game.

Gemar Chatimah Tovah - Literally: May the final sealing be good

Gemara - Collection of legal and ethical discussions of the rabbis of the third through the fifth centuries, edited about 500 CE, which together with the Mishnah forms the Talmud.

Gematria - Finding meanings in the numerical value of Hebrew letters and words.

gemul tzodek - just retribution

genevot - thefts

ger - proselyte - Sojourner, Or Stranger, Or Convert To A Form Of Judaism

Gerim - Proselytes

Ger Sheker - Proselyte who declares full conversion for ulterior motives.

Ger Toshav - Proselyte who accepts monotheism and the Noahide laws, and who receives courtesies and privileges.

Ger Tzedek - Full convert of true conviction, in all respects to be considered a Jew.

gerush shedim - exorcism

gerusha - divorcee

Gerut - The process of conversion.

geshem - rain

geshmak - pleasure

geshrai - a scream

get - divorce - Religious divorce; the word is used to refer to a Jewish bill of divorcement.

Geulah - Redemption

gevaltike - extraordinary

gever - male

Geviya, geviyah - corpse

gevurah - miraculous power

gevurot - mighty deeds

Gevurot Geshamim - "the Power of Rain", a Praise to G-d for the revelation of His powers in Nature, added to the silent prayer.

gezar din - verdict

gezel - robbery

Gezerah - Laws or traditions added by the Pharisees as fences around the existing Law in an attempt to prevent it from being broken.

Gibbor - strong man

gidduf - blasphemy

giddufim - revilements

Gilah - Rejoice

gilui arayot - sexual immorality

giyyur - proselytization

gneyvot - thefts

God names - Adonai, Elohim, El Shaddai, YHVH, Hakadosh Baruch Hu, Ribono shel Olam, Harachaman, Avinu Shebashamayim.

GO'EL - redeemer

Go'el Israel - "The Redeemer of Israel", one of the eighteen benedictions of the Amidah prayer.

gofrit - sulfur

Goilomim, Goilem - Foolish people

goirem - driving force

goires - listen to

golem - an animated anthropomorphic being, created entirely from inanimate matter.

Golus - Exile

gonvei nefesh - kidnapper / slave dealers

gor - very

goy - nation

Goyim - Nations - foreigner.

grahda - as a matter of fact, in reality

Grogger al. Greegers, Graggers - Noisemaker used to drown out Haman's name during the reading of the Megillah on Purim.

groise - eminent

guddal - being brought up

gufaniyut - corporeality

gufot - bodies

gzeira - authoritative command


ha - Definite Article: "The"

Ha Melech - The king.

Hashem - Tetragrammaton

ha-Shem - the Name

ha'aretz - the earth

Ha'aretz haHavtacha - the Promised Land

Ha'azinu, the song of. A portion of Deuteronomy.

HaAcharon - The Last

haAlmavet - Immortal

haara - insight

haaretz harishonah - the first earth

HaAryeh - The Lion

HaAsarah - The Ten

HaAv - the Father

habah b'basar - has come in bodily flesh

habatzek - the dough, trans. note: see Pesach Haggadah

HaBechor - Firstborn

Haben - The son.

HaBo're - the Creator

HaBri'ah - the Creation

HaChayyot - the living beings

hachitzon - the outer one

hachnosas orchim - hospitality

hachrazah - proclamation, kyrygma, preaching

hadar - majesty, splendor

Hadas - a myrtle branch taken as one of the four species on the Feast of Tabernacles.

hadlakah - bonfire

hadom - footstool

hador hazeh - this generation

HaEmes - the Truth

HaEmes Hashem - Truth of G-d

Haftorah al. Haftarah pl. Haftarot - Selection from the Prophets read or chanted after the weekly Torah portion during the synagogue service on Sabbath and holidays.

Hagah - to murmur

hagbah - lifting up of Torah when read in shul

Hagbalah - Days of Abstinence.

HaGedulah - Greatness

hagefen - fruit of the vine

HaGevurah - Might

Hagadol - The great.

Haggadah al. Hagadah, Agada, Agadah, Aggadah pl. Haggadot - A general Hebrew term for utterance

Hagigah al. Chagigah - a sacrifice offered on the eve of Pilgrim Festivals.

Hagomel - A blessing of thanksgiving for deliverance from perils.

Hag haMatzah - The Festival of Unleavened Bread.

HaIr - The City

Halakhah al. Halachah, Chalakah - The way one goes

Halakhah Lemoshe Misinai al. Halachah, Chalakah - a Law given to Moses on Sinai and not written explicitly in the Torah.


HaKadosh - The Holy One

Hakafah pl. Hakafot - The carrying of the Torah scrolls in a procession around the sanctuary...the circling of the Altar in the Sanctuary or the Bimah in the Synagogue.

hakarat todah - gratitude

hakehillot - the congregations

HaKeru'im - the summoned/called ones

HaKetz - the End

hakhchashah - denial

hakhnasah - income

Halacha - Way, Or Way To Walk, Or Conduct One's Life

Hallel al. Halel - Praise - Special psalms of praise, recited or sung on the festivals....Psalms 113 - 118.

hama'amin - the believer

HaMabbul - the Flood

hamakkot - plagues

Hamantashen - Filled three-cornered pastries supposed to represent Haman's hat, traditionally eaten on Purim.

HaMat`eh - the Deceiving One

Hamavdil - the blessing of Havdalah.

HaMechokak - Law-Giver

HaMesim - the Dead

hanevuah - the prophecy

hanivzim - the despised

Hanukah al. Chanukah- Literally: dedication; name of the winter holiday commemorating the Maccabean victory over the Syrians in 165 BCE.

haNogah - of Brightness/Venus

Haptomai - #680. haptomai, hap'-tom-ahee; reflex. of G681; prop. to attach oneself to, i.e. to touch in many implied relations:--touch.

har - mountain

hara'ah - the evil

hara'im - evil deeds

HaRah - the Evil one

HaReshit - The Beginning

hareve'it, harevi'i - the fourth

harishon, harishonah - the first

Harpazo- to seize

harsha'ah - condemnation as guilty

hartzige - heartfelt

hasagos - aspiration

HaSatan - The Adversary same as Satan.

haschala - start

HaShemurim - the Guarded ones

hasheni - the second

hasheniyah - the second

hashlishi - the third

hashlishit - the third

haskama - approval

HaTachlit - The Ultimate

hatafah - preaching

Hatafat Dam Berit - Taking a single drop of blood from the penis as a sign of the covenant

Hatarat Nedarim - the repeal of vows.

Hatikva - The hope.

hatov - the good

Hatov Vehametive- the fourth blessing of Birkat haMazon -- "He Who is ood and bestows goodness..".

hattohar - moral purity

haummim - the peoples

havamina - assumption

Havdalah - Literally: separation

havtachah - promise

hayom - today

Hayom Harat Olam - verses recited during the Rosh haShanah mussaf prayer.

Hechag - Literally: the holiday; one of the names for Sukkot.

Hechal - Hall of the Sanctuary.

hefker - ownerless

heimishe mekom linah - homey guest room, lodging place

kal - Temple, Or Set-Apart Place In Front Of The Holy Of Holies

hemshech - remaining part

Hester Panim - the withdrawal of Divine Favor.

heter - permit - permission, permit.

Heter Iska - "transaction permit" allowing a money lender to take interest by making him a partner of the borrower sharing his profits.

hevel - futility, vanity, emptiness, worthlessness

hezber - explanation

Hillel - The most prominent Jewish teacher of the first century 30 BCE - 10 CE.

Hilula - a celebration of memorial.

hinei - behold, look!

hinnazrut - self-denial

hisgalus - revelation, unveiling

hishtaltut - domination, taking control

hispailus - overwhelming awe

histalkus - passing

hitammelut - bodily exercise or training

hitarevut - meddlesomeness

hitbagrut - maturity

hitbodedut - seclusion, aloneness

hitkaddeshut - purification

hitkhabrut - joining, adhesion, fellowship

hitkhadshut - regeneration, renewal

hitlahavut - enthusiasm, fervor

hitnahagut - conduct

hitnahagut hatovah - good conduct

hitstaddekut - apologetic defense

hivvased haOlam - the establishing of the world

hivvased tevel - foundation of the world

hod - honor

hoda'ah - confession, admission

hodayah - thanksgiving

holelut - carousing

hona'ah - swindling

hora'ah - instruction

horim - parents

horiva over - analyzing

Hoshanah - Chant of "Save us, L-rd."

Hoshana Rabbah al. Hoshanah Raba - the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles.

huledet - birth

hungerik - hungry


idud - encouragement

iggeret - letter

iggrot - letters

ikar - farmer

ikarim - essentials

illem - mute

imahot - mothers

immanu - with us

imun - training

innuyim - sufferings

intifadah - uprising

inyan - topic

ir - city

ish evyon - poor man, pauper

ish hacholek - a man of division, a divisive man

ish riv - opponent in a lawsuit

ish tov - good man

ish of Emes - man of Truth

isha chotet - a woman of sin

isha - woman, wife

Ish HaMufkarut - Man of Lawlessness

ish sefatayim - the eloquent speaker

ishshur - approval

Ishtar - Fertility Goddess.

Isru Chag - the day following a festival.

isser - proscription in the Torah

Itro - a portion in the Book of Exodus.

ittim - times

itztzavim - idols, images, tzelamim

ivrim - blind people

ivvelet - foolishness

ivver - blind man

Iyar Zif] - Eighth month of Jewish year.

iyumim - threats

iyun - investigative research

Izzim - Goats


There is no letter 'J' in the Hebrew alphabet.


k'lei - vessels

k'li - vessel

k'riah - call

ka'as - anger

kabbalah - oral tradition

kabbalat panim - welcome

kabtzen - beggar

kaddachat - fever

kadosh - holy; Set-Apart

kadoshim - holy ones

kaftan - coat

kabbalat panim - welcome

kabtzen - beggar

kaddachat - fever

kadosh - holy - Set-Apart

kadoshim - holy ones

kaftan - coat

kabbalah - oral tradition

kahal - assembly

kallah - bride

kamtzan - miser

kana'ut - zeal

kannai - zealot

kanous - zeal

kapparah - place or kapporet medium of wrath-propitiating blood atonement sacrifice

kaptzen - poor person

kar - cold

karnayim - horns

karoz - herald

kashefanut - sorcery, witchcraft

kashes - questions

kat - sect

katon - least

Katsir, Katzir - Harvest

katuv - it is written

kavanat halev - the inner-directedness of the heart

kavod - glory

kavvanah ra'ah - malice

kavvanah - heartfelt direction, intention

Kayits - Summer

ke'arot - bowls

kedushah - holiness, sanctity

kefirah - heresy, denial

kehillah - congregation

kehunah - priesthood

keilim - faculties

kelalah - curse

kelevim - dogs

keli kodesh - holy vessel, minister

keli nivchar - chosen vessel

ken - yes

keneged - in opposition

kenut - sincerity

kerem - vineyard

Keren Yeshuah - Horn of Salvation

keriah - ritual tearing

kes - throne

keseder - constantly

kesher - conspiracy, plot

keshet be'anan - rainbow, BERESHIT 9:16

Keshi - stubbornness, hardness

kesil, kesilim - fool[s]

kesut rosh - head covering

keta - section

ketanim - small ones

keter - crown

ketoret - incense

Ketz - End

Ketzinim - Officers

kevalim - chains

kevarim - graves, tombs

kevasim, kevesim - sheep

kever - tomb

ki hu zeh - a small amount

kibbud - respect, honor

kibush hayetzer - self-control

kikar - loaf

kina - lament, funeral dirge

kina - jealousy, envy

kinderyohrn - childhood days

KiseiMoshe - Chair of Moses

kishshuf - magic, sorcery

kishufim - sorceries

kisot - thrones

Kisse Din - judgment seat

Kissei Kavod - Glorious Throne

kitot - sects

kittel - white robe

klalah - curse

klap - blow

klapei - concerning

klei kodesh - holy vessels, ministers

kleir - deliberating

klezmer - musician

kluhr - obvious

kluhr - pure

ko'ach - power

kodem - preceding

kodesh - holy - set apart

kofer - ransom, pedut

koferim ba-ikkarim - deniers of fundamentals

Kohen HaGadol - High Priest

kokhav - star

kokhavim, kochavim - stars

kol ayin - every eye

kol basar - all flesh

kol davar - everything

kol gadol - loud voice

kol hanivrah - all creation

kol melo - all the plentitude

kol poalei resha - all workers of evil

kol sheker - every falsehood

Kol etz - every tree

kolot - sounds

komah - short of stature

korban chai - living sacrifice

korban - dedicated to G-d, sacrifice

korbanot - sacrifices

Korem - vineyard proprietor

koremim - vine-keepers

kos - cup

kotz - thorn, splinter

kotzerim - harvesters

kozvim - liars

krav - battle

kri'ah - calling

kri'ah betzibbur - congregational public reading

krovey mishpachot - relatives

krovim - relatives

krum - deviant

kviusdik - constant

Keter - Crown

Klal Yisrael - lit. "All of Israel"

Kohanim - Priests From The Tribe Of Levi

kohen priest

Kohen HaGadol - The High Priest


l'olam - forever

lailah - night

lamdan - a Torah scholar with prodigious knowledge

lashav - in vain

lashon hara - "evil language/tongue"

lashon horah - evil speech

lashon - tongue

lavan - white

le-olam-va-ed - Forever, Or For eternity

lechem - food, bread

lechem ha'amitti - the true bread

lechem chukeinu - "our daily bread," Mt. 6:11

Lechem HaPanim - the Bread of the Presence

leitzonus - mockery, fun

Lemaskana - finally

lernen - Torah learning, study

leshon hakodesh - Holy Language

leshonot - tongues -- 1C 14:13

letzim, leitzim - mockers/scorners, coarse jesting

lev - heart

Levim Hearts Plural

lev rogez - anxious heart

levavot - hearts

lichora - apparently

limin - at the right hand

limmud - instruction

lismol - at the left hand

lo poreh - unfruitful

loin - wages

Loit - according to

lomdes - cleverness, erudition

lomdish - intricate and complicated to understand

lu yetzuuyar - assuming

luach - tablet


Ma'al - Betrayal

Ma'amad HaBanim - the standing as sons

ma'aminim - believers

ma'arav - west

ma'arav - ambush

ma'aseh haemunah - work of faith

ma'aseh tov - good deed

ma'asei haChoshech - works of darkness

ma'aser - tithe

ma'asim - works

ma'asim hara'im - evil deeds

ma'asim hamitzvot - works of the commandments

ma'asim metim - dead works

ma'asim tovim - good deeds, works

ma'avak - struggle

ma'ayanot - springs, sources

ma'on - permanent residence

ma'ot chittim - money for wheat financial contributions

maoz - fortress

maamadot - contributions

maaminMeshichi - Messianic believer

maasros - tithe

mabbul - flood

machalifei hakesafim - moneychangers

machaloket - controversy

machaloket - division of dissension

machanot - encamping armies

machla - illness

machlokot - divisions of dissension

machmir - stickler

machovim - sorrows

machsh'vot - thoughts

machshavah - thought

machshelah - ruin

machshiv - respect

machsor - shortage, want

madduchei shav - false enticement, delusion

madon - strife, quarrel

mafte'ach - key

maggid - darshan,preacher

makhaneh - camp

makhar - tomorrow

makkah - plague

makor - fountain

malach - angel; Malach Angel, Or Heavenly Messenger

malachim - angels

malbush - clothing

malchut - Kingdom, Or The Kingdom

male No'am - full of pleasantness

malkah - queen

Malkosh - Spring rain

malon - inn

Malshin - Informer, Accuser

mamashus - real worth

mamlechot - kingdoms

Mammon - Money

manhigim - leaders

manhigut - leadership

manhigut ruchanit - spiritual leadership / administration

manoach - resting place

mayim water or waters

mareh - vision

marot - visions

marut - authority, rule

masah - trial

Mashgiach Ruchani - Spiritual Overseer

mashkeh - drink

maskana - outcome

maso panim - favoritism, partiality

masoret - tradition

masot - trials / temptations

matanah - gift

matanot - gifts

matanot tovot - good gifts

matarah - objective

mateh - deceiver

matnat kesef - gift of money

matnat hachesed - free gift of grace

Matnat HaTzedakah - the gift of righteousness

matsevot - gravestones

matsli'ach - successful

mattah - below

mattanah - free gift

matzeivah - monolith

matzot - unleavened bread

matzpun - conscience

matzpun naki - clear conscience

mavet - death

mavo - introduction

mayim - water, or Waters

mazikim - malicious spirits

me'ah vchamishim ushloshah - one hundred and fifty three

me'onot - dwelling places, permanent residences, homes

me'ushar - blessedness

meah kevasim - a hundred sheep

meayen - engaged in research

mechabed - honor

mechila - pardon, forgiveness

Mechitzah - the dividing partition

medakdeke - painstakingly thorough

mefakkechim - stewards

meah kevasim - a hundred sheep

meayen - engaged in research

mechabed - honor

mechila - pardon, forgiveness

Mechitzah - the dividing partition

medakdeke - painstakingly thorough

mefakkechim - stewards, supervisors

mefarsem - make known

megadef - reviler

megadefim - revilers

megareia - weakened

meid - provide testimony, attest

mekabel - receiving, accepting

mekanne - jealous, envious

Mekhonen - Founder

mekom megurim - dwelling place

mekom linah - guest room

mekor - basis

mekor - passage, citation

melach - salt

melachah - work

melachim - kings

melammed - instructor

Melech - King

melitz echad - one mediator, IYOV 33:23, YESHAYAH 43:27; cf. DEVARIM 5:5,22-31

melo - plentitude

Melo-Hagoyim Fullness Of The Gentiles, Or Nations; Genesis 48:19,  Luke 21:24,  Romans 11:25

memayet - precluded, excluded

memshalah - government, dominion

mena'afim - adulterers

menuchah - resting place

meorer - point out, rekindle stimulate, motivate, shtarken

Mered - revolt, uprising

merirut lev - bitterness

merit - zechus

merivah - strife

merkavot - chariots

mesader - arrange, place in succession

meshabed - caused to be obligated

meshalim - parables

Meshalle'ach - Sender

mesharet - minister, servant

mesharetim - ministers, servants

meshichei sheker - false Moshiachs

meshubad - obligated

meshummad - apostate

mesibot - parties

mesim - deceased ones

Messianic hatafah - preaching Moshiach

mesupak - uncertain, doubting

metohar - purified

metoharim - clean

metsakhim - foreheads

metzorah - a leper

metzoraim - lepers

mevugar - mature

mevugarim - mature ones, adults

meyayesh - despairing

mezarez - a spur into action

mezimma - evil design, intrigue

michshol - stumbling block

michsholim - stumbling blocks

michyah - subsistence

midah hatov - the attribute of virtue

midas chasidus - quality of piety

midbar - wilderness

midrash - homiletical interpretation of the Scriptures, exegesis

mifkad - census

migdal - tower

mikhla - fold [enclosure]

milah - circumcision

milchamot - wars

mimeila - consequently, as a result

minhag - custom

minut - heresy, Apostasy

miqra qodesh - set-apart gathering.  The term “miqra” means both a rehearsal, and a public gathering.

mir'eh - pasture

mirmah - deceit

mishcha - ointment

Mishkan - Tabernacle

mishma'at - obedience

Mishpacha is Hebrew for "family".

mishpat - judgment

mishpatim - judgments

mishpat mavet - a death sentence

mishpochah - family

mishpokhot - relatives

mishpoyel - standing in awe

Mishrah - Rule

mishtatef - involved, joining

mispar - number

mishpat - Judgment, Or Right Ruling

Mishpat Bachor - Firstborn Right, Or Rights

Mishpatim - Mishpatim: a lit. "judgments" Rational commandments, one of the three categories of mitzvot

mitamuhl - suddenly

mitarev - meddlesome

mitnagged - opponent

mitnaggedim - opponents

mitspah - beacon or watchtower

Mitzbe'ach, - altar

mitznefet - head wrapping

Mitzvah - "commandment"

mitzvot - divine commandments given by Hashem to Moshe Rebbenu, divine commandments

mitzvoth - YHWH's Commandments, Or Man's Obedient Deeds, Or Obedient Works Of Torah Done In Complete Submission And Willingness

mizmor - hymn, psalm

mizpah - beacon or watchtower

mizrach - east

mo'adim - fixed times/seasons/festivals

Moadim - The Appointed Times, Or Eternal Feasts of YHWH Plural

mochesim - tax-collectors

mochiach - one arbitrator

Modeh Ani - I give thanks

Moed - Feast, Appointed Time

mofet - example, role model

moftim - miracles, wonders

moineia - prevented

moked - fire

morech lev - cowardliness

moreh - teacher

mori - my teacher

moshav hashafel - low seat

Moshel - Governor

moshelim - governors

Moshi'a - Savior

Moshieynu - our Deliverer

moshlim - rulers

mufkarim - lawless ones

mumim - defects

murshe - proxy

musar - teaching with an ethical point


nafsheinu - our souls

Naggar - Carpenter

nakam - vengeance

namer - leopard

naniach - supposing

narrishkait - foolishness

Nashim - wives

navi - prophet

ne'eman - faithful

ne'emanah - reliable

ne'emanot - faithful

ne'emanut - faithfulness, trustworthiness, reliability

ne'evad - lost, perish, be ruined with destruction

nechalim - deceitfulness

nechamah - comfort

nechashim - serpents

nedavot - donations

neder - vow

nederim - vows

nedivut - generosity, kindness

neeman - faithful

nefashot - souls

nefesh chaya - living soul

neharot - rivers

nehneh - benefit

nekevah - female

nesekh - libation wine

nesharim - vultures, eagles [popularly]

nesher - eagle

neshikah - kiss

nessuim - marriage

nevalim - harps

nevel - harp

Nevi'im - the Prophets

Neviim - Used With Upper Case “N”; Prophets Plural, Or The Books Of The Prophets

neviim - Used With Lower Case “n”; Any Combination Of The Prophets As A Whole

neviah/neviyah - prophetess

nevu'ah - prophecy

nevu'ot - prophecies

nevuah - prophecy

nichbad - noble

nichbadim - dignitaries

niflaot - wonders

niftar - deceased, dead

niftarim - deceased ones

nifteret - deceased person

nikar - evident

nisayon - trial, temptation

nisayonos - tests, trials

nishba'im lasheker - perjurers

nissayon - temptation

nissim - miracles

nistar - hidden, in secret

nisu'im - marriage

nisyonos - temptations

nisyonot - temptations

nitzachon - victory

nitzrach - needy

niuf - adultery

niufim - adulteries

nivcharim - chosen ones

nivra - anything created

No'efot - Adulterers

noch - still

noiheg - habitually

nokhri - foreigner

Nu - Well


ochel - eater

od zman - more time

Of haShomayim - birds of heaven

ogen - anchor

ohavei kesef - lovers of money

ohavei ta'anugot - lovers of pleasures

ohavei kesef - lovers of money

ohev riv - quarrelsome

ohev es haTov - a lover of the good

ohevet shalom - peace-loving

oholim - tents

ohr - light

Oib azoi - consequently

oif eibik - forever

oisgehalten - trustworthy

oisher - rich man, ashir

ois vaist - ostensibly

okhel - food

ol - yoke

olalim, ollelim - infants

Olam - world; World, or Earth

olam haba - the coming world

Olam Hazeh - This Age, Or This World

Olamim - Ages

oman - artist

Omein - Amen, so be it, surely

omenet - governess

ometz lev - boldness

omnot - governesses

onesh - punishment, penalty

onesh mavet - the death penalty

oni - poverty

oniyah - sailing vessel

orchim ratzuy - welcome guests

ormah - cunning

oseh ra'ah - an evil doer

osher - riches

ot - miraculous sign; - Sign

otot - signs

otzar - treasury

otzarot - treasures

ovdei elilim - idolaters

owr - light;

Oy - Woe

oyev - enemy

oyevim, oyvim - enemies

oz - power

ozen, oznayim - ear, ears

ozer - helper

ozrim - helpers


p'ri - fruit

pacal - to carve

pachad, pakhad - fear, terror

padut - redemption

pakad - visit

parim - young bulls

parnasah - livelihood

parochet - curtain

pasach - passing over, letting go the penalty of

Pasach - Passover

paskudneh - contemptible

patur - exempt, free

pe'ulot - works

pecel - an idol

pedut - redemption, Geulah release on payment of ransom

peh - mouth

pekuddat - stewardship, care

peledike - marvelous

penemer - faces

perot - fruits

Perushim - Pharisees

peruta - small coin

peshat - plain, literal

petach - doorway

peysha - transgression

peysha'im - transgressions, YESHAYAH 53:5

pikkadon - deposit

pisechim - lame persons

pisei'ach - lame man

pitron - interpretation

pitronim - interpretations

platke-machers - gossipy intriguers

plotst - burst

pnimiyus - inner most

po'alim - workers

poel - worker

poshe'im - the ones transgressing / rebelling

poshei'a - transgressor

posher - lukewarm

praht - detail

pri - fruit

pshat - rationale

ptur - excuse

punkt - exactly


There is no letter 'Q' in the Hebrew alphabet.


ra'a, ra'ah, rah - evil

ra'am gadol - loud thunder

Ra'av - Famine

ra'im - evil, evil ones

rabbim - many

rachamanut - compassion, mercy

rachamim - mercy

rachmanim - mercy

ragel hayemanit - right foot

raglayim - feet

raot - evil

rashah - an evildoer

rashei hamoshavot - chief seats

Rashei Hakohanim - Chief Priests

rashuyot - authorities

ratzchaniyot - murderers

ratzon - will

ravrevan - braggart

ravrevanut - boastfulness

raz - mystery,secret

razim - mysteries

re'a - neighbor

rechilus - gossip

redifah - persecution

redifot - persecutions

refuah - healing

refuot - healings

Regalim Three Ascension, Or Foot Feasts To Jerusalem.

regel - foot

rehkov - street

rehkovot - streets

reim - friends

remiyah - guile, deceit

resha - wickedness

resha'im - unrighteous, evildoers

reshet - net

reshit - first

reshus - authorization

retzach - murder

retzichot - murders

retzinut - earnestness

revach - gain, profit

revachah - relief

Reyka - Good for nothing!

Richtik - correct

riezige - sizable

Rishonim - first ones

Ro'eh - Shepherd

rofeh - physician

rogez - anger

roiv - the larger portion

rosh - head

rosh chodesh - head of the month

rosh hashanah - head of the year

rotzeach - murderer

rotzeachim - murderers

ruach - wind, Spirit

ruach - Spirit Of Man, Or Beast

ruach anavah - humble spirit

Ruach Hakodesh - Set-Apart Spirit

Ruchanit - Spiritual, of the Ruach Hakodesh

ruchaniyut - spirituality in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach

Ruachim - Spirits

ruchot raot - evil spirits

ruchot hatemeiot - unclean spirits


s'michah - ordination

sachar - reward

sadeh - field

sadot - fields

sakanot mavet - mortal danger

sakkim - sackcloth

Samael - the devil

samchut - authority

sanhedriyot - local councils/bet din courts

sar - ruler

sarig - shoot, branch

sarisim - eunuchs

sasson - joy

savlanut - patient endurance

schnorrer's - beggar's

sdeh krav - battlefield

se'irim - goats

sefer - book

sefer katan - small book

sefer keritut - bill of divorcement

seichel - good sense, understanding

selicha - forgiveness

seqilah - stoning

sereifah - death by burning

seudah - banquet

seudot - banquet dinners

sha'ah, shaah - hour, time

sha'ot - hours

Shaalu Shalom - Pray, Or Ask For The Peace

shaar hatzarut - gate of narrowness

shachat - corruption

Shaddai - the Almighty

shadkhan - marriage-broker

shaichus - closeness, friendship, intimacy

shakhor - black

shakran - liar

shakranim - liars

shalem b'guf - healthy

shaliach - apostle a sent one

shalitim - rulers

shalom - peace

Shalom aleichem - May Peace be upon You

shalosh - three

shalosh paamim - three times

shamayim - The Heavens Singular And Plural

shanah, shanim - year, years

sharsherot - chains / fetters

shawkling - ritual swaying while davening

shayach - conceivable

shchenim - neighbors

she'arim - gates

she'elah - question

she'erit - remnant, remainder

shebalev - inwardly

Shechem/Shekem - shoulder;

Shechinah, Shekhinah - glorious presence of G-d

shed - demon / evilspirit

shedim - demons

sheelah - question

sheelot - kashes, questions

sheerit - remnant

shefach dahm - the shedding of blood

shein - beautiful

sheker - falsehood, lies

sheketz - abomination

sheketz tameh - unclean creature

sheleimah - complete

shelemut - perfection, completeness

sheli - my/mine

shem - name

shem tov - good name

shemen mishchah - anointing oil

shemen - oil

shemesh - sun

shemitah - fallow

shemot - names

shenayim - two

Sheol - abode of the dead

sherut - service in the Beis HaMikdash

sheva - seven

shevach, shevakh - praise, commendation

shevarim - oxen

shevet - tribe

shevu'ah - oath

shevuot - oaths

sheynah - sleep

sheynit - a second time

shfakhot - maid servants

shichrut - drunkenness

shiebud - obligation

shifcha, shifchah - bond maid

shiflut - lowliness

shiggot haAm - unintentional sins of the people

shikkor - drunkard

shikkorim - drunkards

shilton - rule

Shir - Sing, Or Song

Shir Chadash - New Song

shirayim - Rebbe's remainders

shiryon kaskasim - coat of scale armor

shiur - lesson, Torah talk

shiurim - lessons, Torah talks

shiva - seven

shivim - seventy

shkoyach - well done

shleimut - perfection, completion

shliach - one sent

Shliach - emissary

Shlichus - Divine mission

shlishit - third

shlita - control

shlitah atzmi - self-control

shloshah - three

Shluchim - emissaries of the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach

Shmad - Anti-Moshiach apostasy, apostate, destructive departure

shmattes - tatters, rags

Shmo - His Name

shmonah asar - eighteen

shnayim - two

Shneym Asar - Twelve

shochvim es zachar - homosexuals

shoded - robber

shodedim - robbers

shofetim - judges

Shoin - already

shomer - on guard; Watch, Keep, Observe, Or Guard

shomer masoret - religious devotion

shomrim - guards

shoresh - root

Shoshvin - the Chosson's best man

shot - whip

shoteh - fool

shoter - law official

shprach - diction

shrekliche - terrible

shtaig - working my way up, advancing, progressing

shtark - steadfastly

shtats - imposing, impressive

shtein - Stop

shter - bother

shtetl - Jewish village

shtetlach - towns

shtey karnayim - two horns

shtiklech - misconduct

shtreimel - expensive hat

shud - misfortune

shulchan - table

shulchanot - tables

shuls - synagogues

shuttafim - partners

shuttafut - partnership

shvakh - commendation

shvateem, shvatim - tribes

shver - complex

sichlut - foolishness

sikhliyut - rationality

siman - sign, indication

simcha - Joy, Or Happiness

simcha - joy

sin'ah - hatred

sinas chinom - baseless hatred

sinat chinam - senseless hatred

sirah - boat

sitnah - accusation

sivlot - sufferings of; sevalot pl.

skikuy - drink

smolit - left

sochen - steward/estate manager

sodot - mysteries

sofer - scribe, Torah-teacher, rabbi

Sofrim - Scribes

soimech - confident, putting their trust and being dependent

soivel - bearing with

Soneh - Hater

Sopher - Scribe

Soreg - barrier of the holy precinct

sorrut - rebelliousness / insubordination

soterim - policemen

stam - elementary

stater - coin

sterntichel - kerchief

sus - horse

susim - horses


ta'anug - evil pleasure

ta'anugot - evil pleasures

ta'avah - evil desire/lust

ta'avot - lusts

taavah - lust

tacharut - competition

tachlis - purpose

tachrichim, tachrichin - burial shrouds

tag - ornamental flourish

tahor - clean

takif - influential man

Talmidim - Disciples, Students, Or Followers

tameh - unclean

tamei - profane, unclean

tamim - faultless

tarnegol - cock

tata - papa

tav - mark

tavnit - pattern / copy, SHEMOT 25:40

techinnah - petition, supplication

Techiyah - Resurrection

tefillah - Prayer Singular

tefillos - prayers

Tehilla - Praise

Tehillot - Praises Plural

tehom gedolah - a great abyss, chasm

Tehom - Abyss

tehorah - pure

tehorim - clean

tekufa - era, period

tekumah - revival

telunnah - murmuring

tema'im - unclean

temarim - palms

teretz - excuse

terumah - contribution

terumah haissa - portion, offering of the dough

terutz - excuse

teshukot - desires

teshuva - repentance, turning from sin to G-d

Teshuvah Repentance, Or Turning Back

teva - nature

Teva - Ark

tevel - world

tevilah - immersion

tevunah - wisdom

tief - deep and profound, erudite, keen

tiferet - splendor, beauty

tifereth - Beauty, Glory

tihur - purification

tikkun - restoration, repair

tikvah - hope

tikvateinu - our hope

timtum halev - hardening of the heart

tipesh - idiot

tipshus - foolery

tipus - type, pattern

tish - table

tishen - tables

tizkoret - reminder

to'evah - abomination

tochnit - master plan

todah - thanks

toeva - abomination

tohorah - purification

tohu vavohu - disorder, chaos

toitzaa - outcome

tokhechah - reproof

toldot - genealogies

Torah/Law - Loving Instructions Found In The Five Books Of Moses

torah - teaching

Torot - plural of Torah, teaching

torud - completely absorbed and involved

tous ritztzuy - reconciliation

tov - good

tov l'teshuva - fruit worthy of repentance

tovim - good ones

tovot - good things

toyus - error

trombeniks - gluttons

Tsemach - Branch

tshuka - yearning

Yhovah tsidqenuw - Jehovah is our right; the Lord our righteousness.

Tsur - Rock

tugah - sadness

tum'a - uncleanness, impurity

tza'ar - pain and suffering

tzad - side

Tzadik - A Righteous Man, Woman, Or Person

Tzadikim Righteous Ones, Or Persons

tzaddik - righteous man

tzaddikim - righteous ones

tzafon - north

tzar - narrow

tzarah - trouble

Tzarah Gedolah - Great Tribulation

tzarut ayin - envyings

tzavva'a - will

tzechok - laughter

tzedakah - contribution; Righteousness, Or Charity

tzedek - righteousness;

Tzedeka - righteousness - philanthtropy;

Tzedukim - Sadducees

tzelamim - idols

tzelem - image

Tzevaot/tzevaoth - Hosts, Or Armies

tzevi'ut - hypocrisy

Tzevua - hypocrite

tzevuim - hypocrites

tzfarde'im - frogs

Tzidkat - righteousness

tzive'ot zarim - armies of the aliens

tziveot haparashim - troops of cavalry-men

tznius - modesty

tzom, tzomot - fast, fastings

tzon - flock

tzorich iyun - unresolved puzzlement

tzoros - troubles

tzufloigen - dazed

tzufriedenkait - contentment

tzushtel - comparison


ugeret - easily seen, evident








yad - hand

Yahadut - Judaism

yaldah - girl

yam - sea

yamim - days

yamim mikedem - earlier days

yare'ach - moon

yashar mishpat - righteous judgment

yashar - straight

yashir - straight

yashrus - justice

yatzdik - justify

yayin - wine

ye'ush - despair

yechidus - private meeting of the Rebbe with his Chassidim

Yehudi - Jew

Yehudim - Jews

yekev - winepress

yeled - child

yerida - to descend back, return

yerushah - inheritance

yeshanot - old things

yeshuah - rescue, salvation, deliverance

yesod - foundation

yesodot - rudiments

yetomim - orphans

yetzurim - creatures

yetzurim hayam - creatures of the sea

Yevani - Greek

Yevanim - Greeks

yi'ud merosh - predestination

yichus - lineage

yirah - The Hebrew word yirah means both "to fear" and "to see.

yirah - fear

yisurim - sufferings, torments

yold - fool

yom - day

yom yom - daily

Yom Rishon - First day of the week

yonah - dove

yonim - doves

Yoreh - first Autumn rain

yoreshim - heirs

yoshen - oldness

yosher - rectitude

Yotzer - Creator

yunge Leit - young people


zach - thing

zachar - male

zahav - gold

Zaken - Elder

zamlet - collect

zannay - fornicator

zannayim - fornicators

zar - stranger, foreigner

zarim - strangers, foreigners

zchus - merit, privileged

ze ev - wolf

ze evim - wolves

zebach - sacrifice;

Zekenim - Elders

zelba - same

zemanniyim - temporary

zemirot - table songs

zenunim - fornications

zenut - fornication

zera - seed;

zerizut - diligence

zevakhim - sacrifices

zicher - certain

zichron - memory

zikaron - remembrance

zikkuy - acquittal

zililut da as - sober-mindedness

zimah - lewdness

zimmah - lewdness, sensuality

zitzfleisch - patience

zman - time

zmanim - seasons

zolel - glutton

zoneh - fornicator

zonim - sexually immoral

zonot - prostitutes

zrizus - reliability